New Winds Export Hub: Share Your Views

Trigon Pacific Terminals (Trigon) is proposing to build and operate a hydrogen-as-ammonia export hub. The New Winds project would expand our commodity-handling mix – currently steelmaking and thermal coal, and train-unloading and vessel-loading services for liquid petroleum gas (LPG) – and open important new export opportunities for Canada.

The Proposed Project

The New Winds Export Hub will be designed to store and transload hydrogen-as-ammonia (ammonia) for shipment to global markets.

Trigon would receive liquid ammonia from potential manufacturing sites in BC and Alberta via the Canadian National Railway’s (CN Rail) existing northern rail line. The ammonia would be offloaded from rail to a temporary pressurized sphere before being cooled to -33C and stored in a large double walled tank at atmospheric pressure. It would then be loaded onto arriving vessels using Trigon’s new second berth, known as Berth 2 Beyond Carbon (B2BC).The refrigerated ammonia would be shipped to Japan, South Korea, other parts of Asia, and potentially Europe and other markets.

The Project is designed for up to two million metric tonnes per year with a storage capacity of 117,200 m³. This includes:

  • New rail track to connect the CN Rail line to Trigon’s new operations
  • 20 double-sided rail unloading racks
  • Refrigeration processing equipment
  • Piping
  • Two new loading arms on our new second berth.


The proposed storage facilities would be located adjacent to Trigon’s existing operations on what is known as ‘Area A’. Piping would carry the ammonia from the railcars to the tanks and then onwards to the vessel loading arms.

Site Plan

The proposed storage and handling equipment would be located adjacent to Trigon’s existing operations as noted in white. 

Looking ahead, many countries are moving away from using thermal coal for electricity generation, including Canada, and as a part of that, the Government of Canada has announced a full ban on thermal coal exports by 2030. This change will negatively impact our business and the people we employ, which is why we are looking to diversify our operations.
Globally, many nations are working to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity and carbon emissions, and Canada’s low-carbon energy resources and expertise are well-recognized. To support the energy transition within Canada and with global trading partners, Canadian companies are investing in the production of low-carbon ammonia,  which is a safe and efficient way of transporting the hydrogen of which it is partly made up. Both ammonia and hydrogen can be used as low-emission fuels.

Ammonia is already safely transported around the world and when produced using carbon capture technology or by electrolysis, creates few if any of the emissions that contribute to climate change. Trials in Japan have successfully been using ammonia to produce power with no emissions.

Today, Canada produces more than five million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of ammonia, much of which is used within Canada or exported by rail to the United States to be used there or shipped from the US Gulf Coast to global markets.

Participate in Shaping the Future

We want to hear from you! Throughout the review process, Trigon will be seeking your feedback on our proposed project. This feedback will guide our project development activities and will be a key part of the regulatory approvals required for us to move forward.

Regulatory and Indigenous Reviews

We commit that Trigon will avoid or minimize potential environmental effects, where possible, through efficient design, a minimized project footprint, use of existing infrastructure where possible, and proven and effective mitigation measures.

Regulatory Review

The proposed project is being reviewed by federal authorities led by Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA) under Section 82 of the Impact Assessment Act (IAA). It is neither a Designated Project under the IAA nor a Reviewable Project under the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act (BCEAA). 

The Metlakatla First Nation and Lax Kw’alaams Band are within Trigon’s ownership group. We started early engagement with these communities as well with the Gitga’at, Gitxaala, Kitselas, and Kitsumkalum in the fall of 2024. We will continue our engagement with all of these communities through the review process.

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